Busy Intersection HackerRank – How Is The Busy Intersection Hackerrank Coding Problem & Solution for 2023


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What is Busy Intersection Hackerrank?

This “Busy Intersection HackerRank” is a coding problem that challenges you to write an algorithm to count the number of cars passing through a busy intersection. The problem statement requires you to process an array of strings, each representing the speed of a car through an intersection. The task is to determine how many cars are currently at the intersection at each point, and return the maximum number of cars currently at the intersection.

The problem busy intersection hackerrank requires some algorithmic thinking and skillful data structure manipulation to keep track of the number of cars at the intersection at any given time. You’ll need to come up with a solution that takes into account the speed of each car and counts accordingly update.

Overall, “busy intersection hackerank” is a good problem to practice your algorithmic skills and data structure manipulation.

A brief description of this problem has been introduced: –

Problem Statement:- You are given an array of n strings, where each string represents the speed of a car through an intersection. Each string consists of four characters: the first two characters represent the direction the car is coming from (N, S, E, or W), and the last two characters represent the direction the car is going ( N, S, E, or W). For example, “NWSE” means the car is coming from the north and is going east.

Your job is to determine how many cars are currently at the intersection at each point, and return the busy intersection hackerrank maximum number of cars that were at the intersection at any point in time. Note that cars are allowed to pass each other at the intersection, so it is possible for multiple cars to be in the intersection at once.

Thanks for clarifying. “Busy Intersection HackerRank” is a problem on the platform that challenges you to solve a traffic simulation problem.

Busy Intersection Hackerrank Algorithm python

To solve the “busy intersection HackerRank” problem on using Python, you can follow these steps:-

(1) Read the input value: The input includes the number of cars, N, and the duration of the observation period, D. Then, for each car, you are given the entry and exit times.

(2) Create a list to store the frequency of cars passing each second: Initialize a list of length D+1 with all zeroes. The first element represents time 0 and the last element represents time d.

(3) Travel through each car and increase the frequency of each second in the range of its entry time and exit time.

(4) Find the maximum frequency: Move through the list and keep track of the maximum frequency.

(5) Return the maximum frequency as the answer.

The Python code for implementing the above steps:-

def busyIntersection(n, d, cars):
freq = [0]*(d+1) # Initialize a list to store the frequency of cars passing by every second
For car in cars:
for i in range(car[0], car[1] +1): # increment the frequency of each second in the range of entry time and exit time
frequency[i] += 1
return max(freq) # find the maximum frequency and return it as the answer

# read input value
n, d = map(int, input().split())
car = []
For i(n) in the range:
entry, exit = map(int, input().split())
Cars. append((enter, exit))

# call the busyintersection function and print the answer

Sample Input:-

4 10
0 5
2 7
5 9
7 10

Sample Output:-



The observation period is 10 seconds. The first car passes through the intersection from the second 0 to the second 5. Another car passes from second 2 to second 7. The third car passes from the second 5 to the second 9. The fourth car passes from the second 7 to the second 10. The maximum frequency of cars passing through the intersection at any second is 3, occurring at seconds 5, 6 and 7.

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Busy Intersection Hackerrank Solution

He is another possible to the “busy intersection HackerRank” problem on solution :-

def traffic(n, north, east, south, west):
# initialize the intersection with no cars
intersection = [0, 0, 0, 0]

def traffic(n, north, east, south, west):
# initialize the intersection with no cars
intersection = [0, 0, 0, 0]

def traffic(n, north, east, south, west):
# initialize the intersection with no cars
intersection = [0, 0, 0, 0]

  # Initialize max wait time to 0
  max_weight = 0

  # iterate every second in the simulation
  For i(n) in the range:
      # update the intersection with the cars at this time
      intersection[0] += answer[i]
      intersection[1] += pre[i]
      intersection[2] += south[i]
      intersection[3] += west[i]

      # Calculate waiting time for each direction
      answer_weight = max(0, intersection[0] - intersection[2] - intersection[3])
      east_wait = max(0, intersection [1] - intersection [3] - intersection [0])
      south_weight = max(0, intersection[2] - intersection[0] - intersection[1])
      West_wait = max(0, intersection [3] - intersection [1] - intersection [2])

      # update max wait time
      max_wait = max(max_wait, north_wait, east_wait, south_wait, west_wait)

  return max_wait

The function traffic takes five parameters: n (the number of seconds to simulate), north, east, south, and west (a list of length n representing the number of cars going in each direction in each direction). Returns the maximum waiting time for any car during the function simulation.

The function initializes the first intersection with no cars and the maximum waiting time to 0. Then, it iterates over each second in the simulation and updates the intersection with cars at this second. It then calculates the waiting time for each direction based on the current state of the intersection and updates the maximum waiting time if any waiting time exceeds the current maximum.

At the end of the simulation, the function returns the maximum waiting time.

Busy Intersection Hackerrank Coding Problem

Sure, I can help you with that! This is the Description for the “Busy Intersection Hackerrank” coding problem on Situation:

There is a busy intersection Hackerrank in Manhattan with cars constantly coming and going. There are several traffic cameras at the intersection that monitor cars as they pass. Each camera records the license plate number of the car and the time the car passed the camera.

The police department is interested in knowing which cars were at the intersection at a given time. He has asked you to write a program to help him with this task.

Your program Busy Intersection Hackerrank should take as input the license plate number and passing time for each car recorded by the cameras, as well as the time of interest. It should then display the license plate numbers of all cars present at the intersection at a given time.

You can assume that the input is well formed, and that Busy Intersection Hackerrank records no more than 1000 cars by the cameras. You can also assume that license plate numbers are alphanumeric strings of maximum length 20, and that times are formatted as follows: “HH:MM:SS”.

Function signature: busyIntersection(n: int, p: list[string], to: list[str], time: str) -> list[str]:

Input Format

The first line of the input contains an integer ‘n’, the number of cars recorded by the cameras.

The next n lines contain two space-separated strings: the license plate number of the car and the time at which it was passed by the camera.

The last line contains a string time, which represents the time of interest.

Output Format

Separate the license plate numbers of all the cars present at the intersection at the given time with a space. If there were no cars at the intersection at the given time, output a line containing the string “none”.


(a)1 ≤ ‘n’ ≤ 1000

(b)License plate numbers are alphanumeric strings of up to 20.

(c)The times are formatted as follows: “HH:MM:SS”.

(d)Input is well done.

Sample Input:-

ABC 123 12:01:00
def456 12:03:00
GHI789 12:04:00
JKL012 12:05:00
MNO345 12:06:00

Sample Output:-



Cars with license plate numbers “ABC123”, “DEF456”, and “GHI789” passed through the intersection before the time of interest, while cars with license plate numbers “JKL012” and “MNO345” passed after the time of interest. Therefore, the only car that was at the intersection at the given time was the one with the license plate number “GHI789”.

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Busy Intersection Hackerrank Leetcode

If you’re looking for a busy intersection HackerRank related issue on Leetcode, I can suggest some search terms you can use on those platforms to find relevant issues.

On HackerRank, you can try searching keywords like “intersection”, “traffic”, “queue”, “simulation” or “event-driven programming” to find problems related to busy intersections.

The Busy intersections HackerRank on leetcode, you can try searching keywords like “traffic”, “intersection”, “concurrency” or “multi-threading” to find issues related to busy intersections.

If you are looking for something more, please provide more context so I can better understand your question and help you further.

Traffic light controlled interaction

Traffic lights are used to control the flow of traffic and ensure the safety of drivers, pedestrians and other road users at Busy Intersection Hackerrank. A traffic light system usually consists of three colored lights, namely red, yellow and green, which are controlled by a central computer or timer system.

Drivers should pay attention to traffic lights and obey signs when approaching an Busy Intersection Hackerrank . A red light means stop, and drivers must come to a complete stop at a stop line or crosswalk. A yellow light indicates that the light is about to turn red, and drivers should prepare to stop. A green light means go, and drivers can proceed through the intersection.

Pedestrians should also pay attention to the traffic lights while crossing the road. When the pedestrian signal shows the “Walk” sign, they can cross the road. Pedestrians should not start crossing the road when the signal shows “No walking”, but should finish crossing if they have already started.

It is important for all road users to obey traffic lights to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of everyone on Busy Intersection Hackerrank the road.

About US

It seems to me that there may be some confusion or misunderstanding. “Busy Intersection” is a problem on the HackerRank platform, a website that offers coding challenges and competitions to help individuals hone their programming skills.

On the other hand, “about us” generally refers to a section on a company or organization’s website that provides information about their mission, values, history, team, and other traffic relevant details.

If you can provide more context or get your clear Busy Intersection Hackerrank information, I’d be more than happy to help you.

Disclaimer: The author in this post has written his opinion based on the knowledge of experts. Busy Intersection HackerRank (Business) & (Investments) are subject to risk. You are responsible for any risk.
